Hello Cumberland!
You might have been noticed I haven't posted on here since the elections. It has been a busy few months learning all about the village, the regional district, and all the various boards, committees, plans and personnel that work together to build our community.
It's 2023 and I'm looking forward to the new year as a newly elected councillor. Moving forward, I don't plan on keeping this page updated frequently - if you want to stay in touch please email me at councillor.therrien@cumberland.ca. I'm happy to chat over any sort of beverage, any time.
The plan for 2023
✴️ Budget 2023 (aka $$$ for village strategic priorities). Read the budget package, email me your thoughts or come attend the open house on Feb 6th 7pm. It's important that we balance doing more with sensible fiscal policy.
✴️ Climate action - exploring better bylaws and crafting an OCP that we can all get behind. Stay tuned for how to get involved.
✴️ Active transportation - I want to see better bike lanes, car shares and other creative solutions to getting away from our dependence on the internal combustion engine. Plus, I think we need more than just potholes to manage our traffic. Got any ideas? I want to hear from you.
I'll also be volunteering around at community events, sitting on the VIRL board and the accessibility committee. Always happy to say hi and hear about what's on your mind.